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Greyhound Adoption Program (NSW) Inc.

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kateKate came into our lives in December 2004. She accepted us straight away, but at first you could tell that she was not fully at home.

After about two months, though, the change was dramatic, and now she is fully part of the family.

During the daytime she sleeps on a small mattress which is soft, being made of foam and covered with cotton, folded double, in the lounge room. At night she sleeps on two folded quilts alongside our bed. Most afternoons my wife Barbara has a sleep and Kate knows, and often joins her on the bed.

Even though we have only a small backyard she occasionally runs around it incredibly fast, but she saves her energy for her walk time, which is about 6.30 in the morning for about 20 minutes, and 5 or 6 in the afternoon, depending on how hot it is, for about 40 minutes.

She thoroughly enjoys her walks, and sniffs out lots of treasures, at times moving so fast I am nearly trotting, and other times stopping for a good sniff. She relates well with most other dogs and she walks so well on the lead that the slightest tug gets her back in line.

She is much loved, and is the ideal dog for us. She does not jump up on people, even though she loves them all. She rarely barks, and is extremely gentle with Barbara, which is good as Barbara is in a wheelchair full time.

Kate is terrified of thunderstorms, and retires to the back room or the bathroom, and shakes and pants until it is over.

We are so pleased with our decision to adopt a Greyhound, and wish GAP a lot of success at finding more homes for our fast friends.


John Young

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